Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 07:28:48 PDT From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Info-Hams-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu Precedence: List Subject: Info-Hams Digest V94 #1140 To: Info-Hams Info-Hams Digest Fri, 21 Oct 94 Volume 94 : Issue 1140 Today's Topics: "Re: Ham License Tests in Washington, DC, Area" (none) anyone know anything about hallicrafters Intl call sign servers/CDs Is this legal? (2 msgs) Japan International DX PH contest orbs$294.1of2.amsat orbs$294.2l.amsat Power company QRN!! SCHEMATIC DRAWING SOFTWARE Yaesu 5100 mods Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 21 Oct 94 12:53:07 GMT From: rc@itchy.ncsl.NIst.GOV (Robert Carpenter) Subject: "Re: Ham License Tests in Washington, DC, Area" The BEST source of info on ham license tests in the MD/VA/DC area is surely "Autocall", the newsletter of the FAR. The September issue lists five (5) pages of coming exam sessions. "Autocall" can be obtained ($1) at all the local ham stores and from PO Box 7612, Falls Church, VA 22040-7612 . Its 56 pages include club columns from many area clubs (a newcomer should try out some club(s) ), and about 11 other articles. 73 de Bob ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 94 13:23:21 GMT From: no0t@fns.COM (Paul Sobon) Subject: (none) SUBSCRIBE Paul Sobon Fujistu Network Switching Amateur Radio: NO0T Raleigh, NC 27609 (919)-790-2596 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:41:24 GMT From: (Henry van Cleef) Subject: anyone know anything about hallicrafters In article Mike Lyon writes: > >i recently picked up a old hallicrafters shortwave reciever. i would like >to see if i can get some schematics,information or anything on it. on the >tune dial it says "Skyrider jr." and i can barely make out the model no. >it says model "h" in a white circle and after that it says either one of >these, i can't tell it's a little rusty, but it's either a s-416, >s-116,s-110, s-410. it's about a foot long and about 9 inches tall and >about 9 inches wide. and also does hallicrafters still exist? if it does >could anyone give me the any information on how to contact them. > "Skyrider Jr." was only used on model S-41. This was essentially an Ecophone EC-1A, built immediately after WWII, and replaced by the S-38. It is an AC-DC set. Hallicrafters vanished about fifteen years ago. -- =================================================================== Hank van Cleef The Union Institute History of Science E-mail or =================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 1994 10:22:32 GMT From: (W. E. Van Horne) Subject: Intl call sign servers/CDs smithson@ACM.ORG wrote: : I have a list of callsign servers and an Amsoft CDROM but they only : have FCC/American calls. Does anyone know of a server or CD CD that has : international calls as well? : 73! : -Brian n8wrl I don't know of any International "Call Book" CD, and I doubt that any such listing will be put on an open server because of the cost and labor required to compile it. But individual countries may do so. A listing of UK hams is available online at: ARC/Trafford.html. 73, Van - W8UOF * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * It ain't wot ya don't know 't gets ya into trouble. * * It's wot ya know 't ain't true. - "Mr. Dooley" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 1994 12:44:05 GMT From: (Scott Ehrlich) Subject: Is this legal? In article , Steven L Goldstein wrote: >I live in New York State and my brother-in-law is presently living in >Colombia, South America. He's not a ham but has a short wave radio. Would >it be legal for me to make a one-way transmission intended for him to >hear, or are amateur radio transmissions only legal if they're 2-way w/ >other hams? > >KB2PWM This would be illegal. You are right - "amateur radio transmissions only legal if they're 2-way w/ other hams..." The only real exceptions to the rule are: - Tossing your call out on HF or a repeater to establish a contact - Performing a QST - broadcast to all hams, which is normally not done, and would be considered bad operating practice. -- Scott Ehrlich, Amateur Radio Callsign: wy1z [AX.25 Packet] E-mail addresses: [Internet], [TCP/IP Packet] Boston ARC ftp archives: ftp /pub/hamradio Boston ARC Web page: ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 15:52:18 GMT From: (Dale Piedfort) Subject: Is this legal? that would be considered BROADCASTING, and would most certianly be illegal. ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 94 12:22:40 GMT From: je1cka@dumpty.nal.go.JP (Takao KUMAGAI) Subject: Japan International DX PH contest Hi all I expect to have many not-so-serious contesters for the JIDX PH contests. There are plenty of awards and plaques. Just enjoy the qsos with JAs and send the log/summary via e-mail. Is it convenient for you? Tack JE1CKA/KH0AM ==== 1994 JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX "PHONE" CONTEST OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact JA stations in as many JA prefectures as possible. 1. CONTEST PERIOD: Starts: Nov. 11 '94(Fraiday) 2300 UTC Ends : Nov. 13 '94(Sunday) 2300 UTC Operating period is maximum 30 hours of the total 48, except for JAs, who can operate the full 48 hours. Off period must be longer than 60minutes length and clearly indicated in the summary sheet. 2. BANDS: 3.8, 7, 14, 21 & 28MHz, except for the WARC bands. 3. ENTRY CLASSIFICATIONS: Choose only one! 3-1.Single Operator Multi Band 3-2.Single Operator Single Band 3-3.Multi Operator Single Transmiter All categories; only one transmitted signal allowed at any one time. Single operator can change bands at any time. Multi Operator; They must remain the same band at least 10minutes when they make the contact on that band. Single operator, single band contestants may only submit an entry for a single band, though submission of check logs for operation on other bands is encouraged. 4. CONTEST EXCHANGE: JAs : RS report plus Prefecture number 01 to 50. Others: RS report plus three-digit serial number starting from 001. Keep one serial number count for all bands. 5. POINTS: Only contacts between JA and DX are worth contest points. (DX-DX or JA-JA contacts are no point and no multi) 3.8MHz ................... 2 points 7MHz, 14MHz and 21MHz..... 1 point 28MHz..................... 2 Points The same station may be worked only once per band. No crossmode, crossband nor repeater contacts are allowed. 6. MULTIPLIER: JAs : The number of diffrent DXCC country (except JD1) worked on each band. Others : The number of different Japanese Prefecture plus Ogasawara Is.(JD1), Minami-Torishima Is.(JD1) and Okino-Torishima Is. worked on each band. Maximum of 50 per band. 7. SCORING: The final score is the result of the (Total QSO points) multiplied by (Total multiplier). Ex. 100 QSO points x 59 multi = 5,900 8. LOG INSTRUCTIONS: 8-1. All times must be in GMT. 8-2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. 8-3. Indicate the new multiplier(prefecture) only the FIRST TIME it is worked on each band. 8-4. Duplicate contacts on same band must be clearly shown and marked as 0 QSO point. 8-5. Electronic Log: Disk log; IBM, MS-DOS compatible disks are accepted only with the printed summary sheet. The LOG format must meets the "ARRL Suggested Standard File Format For Submission of Contest Log Data". Email Log; Request to send the instructions to the email address indicated below with the word "#get jidx-log" in the body of the message. (For information request only) Then you'll receive the instructions by email. 8-6. Use a separate sheet for each band and keep one serial number count for all bands.. 8-7. Each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all scoring information, class of entries, name and address in BLOCK LETTERS, and a signed declaration that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have been observed. 8-8. The 18 hour non-operating periods must be clearly shown in the summary sheet. 8-9. All entrants are required to submit dupe-check sheets (an alphabetical list of calls worked) for each band on which 200 or more QSOs were made. 9. PLAQUES: Plaques will be awarded to the winner in each class in each continent, Japan, Zone 3/4/5 and World. Top USA Single operator will be invited to Japan to receive the plaque. (Free two way ticket will be donated by Bear JA7RHJ.) 10.AWARDS: First place certificates will be awarded in each class in every country and in each call area of the USA. 11.SPECIAL CONTEST AWARD: Any entrants who worked all Japanese prefectures (01 to 47) during the contest period can request a Special Contest Award with the separate worked list with free of charge. Stations callsign, time, band must be indicated ordered prefecture number in the list. 12.REPORTING: A original log and a summary sheet will be requested with a SAE + one IRC but any log forms will be accepted. All entries must be postmarked no later than 31th December and they should be sent to JIDX contest "PH", c/o FIVE-NINE MAGAZINE P.O.Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo, 144 Japan The contest results will be sent with one IRC and SAE. Email log submittion will be judged with the time stamp of the email and it should be sent to (Log submittion only) The acknowledgement will be sent when the email log is received and the result also will be sent by email. 13.DISQUALIFICATION: Violation of the contest rules. False statement in the report. The decisions of the JIDX contest committee are final. [end] ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 94 13:53:00 GMT From: ray.hoad@drig.COM (Ray Hoad) Subject: orbs$294.1of2.amsat SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-294.O Orbital Elements 294.OSCAR HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR OSCAR SATELLITES FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX October 21, 1994 BID: $ORBS-294.O TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: AO-10 Catalog number: 14129 Epoch time: 94289.48195497 Element set: 324 Inclination: 26.8030 deg RA of node: 302.7931 deg Eccentricity: 0.6025932 Arg of perigee: 219.6206 deg Mean anomaly: 75.3706 deg Mean motion: 2.05881540 rev/day Decay rate: -3.48e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 8528 Checksum: 313 Satellite: UO-11 Catalog number: 14781 Epoch time: 94293.06337217 Element set: 747 Inclination: 97.7840 deg RA of node: 301.9351 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010762 Arg of perigee: 228.9828 deg Mean anomaly: 131.0446 deg Mean motion: 14.69256351 rev/day Decay rate: 1.74e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 56864 Checksum: 321 Satellite: RS-10/11 Catalog number: 18129 Epoch time: 94292.38005554 Element set: 974 Inclination: 82.9252 deg RA of node: 237.0364 deg Eccentricity: 0.0012882 Arg of perigee: 44.0813 deg Mean anomaly: 316.1366 deg Mean motion: 13.72342608 rev/day Decay rate: 2.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 36694 Checksum: 301 Satellite: AO-13 Catalog number: 19216 Epoch time: 94289.83915306 Element set: 984 Inclination: 57.7079 deg RA of node: 225.4122 deg Eccentricity: 0.7238776 Arg of perigee: 352.6062 deg Mean anomaly: 0.6575 deg Mean motion: 2.09727113 rev/day Decay rate: -6.75e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 4856 Checksum: 335 Satellite: FO-20 Catalog number: 20480 Epoch time: 94293.27365552 Element set: 741 Inclination: 99.0572 deg RA of node: 61.5721 deg Eccentricity: 0.0541232 Arg of perigee: 56.2117 deg Mean anomaly: 308.9325 deg Mean motion: 12.83227627 rev/day Decay rate: -2.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 22017 Checksum: 285 Satellite: AO-21 Catalog number: 21087 Epoch time: 94292.36296368 Element set: 530 Inclination: 82.9357 deg RA of node: 50.8005 deg Eccentricity: 0.0036410 Arg of perigee: 96.9673 deg Mean anomaly: 263.5626 deg Mean motion: 13.74545926 rev/day Decay rate: 9.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18664 Checksum: 329 Satellite: RS-12/13 Catalog number: 21089 Epoch time: 94292.90359627 Element set: 746 Inclination: 82.9197 deg RA of node: 278.9539 deg Eccentricity: 0.0030567 Arg of perigee: 119.7822 deg Mean anomaly: 240.6385 deg Mean motion: 13.74048095 rev/day Decay rate: 4.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 18577 Checksum: 361 Satellite: ARSENE Catalog number: 22654 Epoch time: 94278.90721955 Element set: 291 Inclination: 2.0802 deg RA of node: 94.2592 deg Eccentricity: 0.2911798 Arg of perigee: 193.1780 deg Mean anomaly: 157.9888 deg Mean motion: 1.42203095 rev/day Decay rate: -8.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 277 Checksum: 322 /EX SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-294.D Orbital Elements 294.MICROS HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR THE MICROSATS FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX October 21, 1994 BID: $ORBS-294.D TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT Satellite: UO-14 Catalog number: 20437 Epoch time: 94293.20440151 Element set: 46 Inclination: 98.5855 deg RA of node: 16.2512 deg Eccentricity: 0.0010711 Arg of perigee: 180.6647 deg Mean anomaly: 179.4521 deg Mean motion: 14.29858832 rev/day Decay rate: 1.6e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24745 Checksum: 293 Satellite: AO-16 Catalog number: 20439 Epoch time: 94293.18528199 Element set: 844 Inclination: 98.5946 deg RA of node: 17.6023 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011017 Arg of perigee: 181.3296 deg Mean anomaly: 178.7858 deg Mean motion: 14.29912892 rev/day Decay rate: 2.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24746 Checksum: 339 Satellite: DO-17 Catalog number: 20440 Epoch time: 94293.26734657 Element set: 845 Inclination: 98.5958 deg RA of node: 18.0510 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011167 Arg of perigee: 180.4971 deg Mean anomaly: 179.6201 deg Mean motion: 14.30052923 rev/day Decay rate: 3.3e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24749 Checksum: 305 Satellite: WO-18 Catalog number: 20441 Epoch time: 94293.24494939 Element set: 848 Inclination: 98.5952 deg RA of node: 18.0195 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011596 Arg of perigee: 180.8388 deg Mean anomaly: 179.2773 deg Mean motion: 14.30026432 rev/day Decay rate: 2.1e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24749 Checksum: 332 Satellite: LO-19 Catalog number: 20442 Epoch time: 94292.65493458 Element set: 843 Inclination: 98.5961 deg RA of node: 17.7262 deg Eccentricity: 0.0011969 Arg of perigee: 182.0129 deg Mean anomaly: 178.1015 deg Mean motion: 14.30124407 rev/day Decay rate: 2.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 24742 Checksum: 307 Satellite: UO-22 Catalog number: 21575 Epoch time: 94293.19690594 Element set: 550 Inclination: 98.4248 deg RA of node: 5.0993 deg Eccentricity: 0.0006860 Arg of perigee: 280.7084 deg Mean anomaly: 79.3332 deg Mean motion: 14.36936911 rev/day Decay rate: 5.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 17103 Checksum: 320 Satellite: KO-23 Catalog number: 22077 Epoch time: 94289.37574728 Element set: 442 Inclination: 66.0823 deg RA of node: 26.2410 deg Eccentricity: 0.0015338 Arg of perigee: 259.0870 deg Mean anomaly: 100.8421 deg Mean motion: 12.86288192 rev/day Decay rate: -3.7e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 10237 Checksum: 297 Satellite: AO-27 Catalog number: 22825 Epoch time: 94289.20447981 Element set: 341 Inclination: 98.6444 deg RA of node: 3.7385 deg Eccentricity: 0.0007848 Arg of perigee: 213.4469 deg Mean anomaly: 146.6210 deg Mean motion: 14.27637415 rev/day Decay rate: 1.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 5495 Checksum: 319 Satellite: IO-26 Catalog number: 22826 Epoch time: 94289.24670406 Element set: 339 Inclination: 98.6426 deg RA of node: 3.8334 deg Eccentricity: 0.0008393 Arg of perigee: 215.0725 deg Mean anomaly: 144.9903 deg Mean motion: 14.27742390 rev/day Decay rate: 1.8e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 5496 Checksum: 318 Satellite: KO-25 Catalog number: 22830 Epoch time: 94292.73316631 Element set: 347 Inclination: 98.5400 deg RA of node: 3.1976 deg Eccentricity: 0.0009059 Arg of perigee: 172.1632 deg Mean anomaly: 187.9714 deg Mean motion: 14.28064069 rev/day Decay rate: -1.86e-06 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 5547 Checksum: 313 Satellite: 22828 Catalog number: 22828 Epoch time: 94289.22924900 Element set: 318 Inclination: 98.6401 deg RA of node: 3.8389 deg Eccentricity: 0.0009607 Arg of perigee: 199.1431 deg Mean anomaly: 160.9387 deg Mean motion: 14.28069592 rev/day Decay rate: 3.4e-07 rev/day^2 Epoch rev: 2305 Checksum: 332 /EX ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 94 14:00:00 GMT From: ray.hoad@drig.COM (Ray Hoad) Subject: orbs$294.2l.amsat SB KEPS @ AMSAT $ORBS-294.N 2Line Orbital Elements 294.AMSAT HR AMSAT ORBITAL ELEMENTS FOR AMATEUR SATELLITES IN NASA FORMAT FROM WA5QGD FORT WORTH,TX October 21, 1994 BID: $ORBS-294.N DECODE 2-LINE ELSETS WITH THE FOLLOWING KEY: 1 AAAAAU 00 0 0 BBBBB.BBBBBBBB .CCCCCCCC 00000-0 00000-0 0 DDDZ 2 AAAAA EEE.EEEE FFF.FFFF GGGGGGG HHH.HHHH III.IIII JJ.JJJJJJJJKKKKKZ KEY: A-CATALOGNUM B-EPOCHTIME C-DECAY D-ELSETNUM E-INCLINATION F-RAAN G-ECCENTRICITY H-ARGPERIGEE I-MNANOM J-MNMOTION K-ORBITNUM Z-CHECKSUM TO ALL RADIO AMATEURS BT AO-10 1 14129U 83058B 94289.48195497 -.00000348 00000-0 10000-3 0 3242 2 14129 26.8030 302.7931 6025932 219.6206 75.3706 2.05881540 85280 UO-11 1 14781U 84021B 94293.06337217 .00000174 00000-0 37372-4 0 7471 2 14781 97.7840 301.9351 0010762 228.9828 131.0446 14.69256351568645 RS-10/11 1 18129U 87054A 94292.38005554 .00000024 00000-0 10172-4 0 9745 2 18129 82.9252 237.0364 0012882 44.0813 316.1366 13.72342608366947 AO-13 1 19216U 88051B 94289.83915306 -.00000675 00000-0 10000-4 0 9846 2 19216 57.7079 225.4122 7238776 352.6062 0.6575 2.09727113 48566 FO-20 1 20480U 90013C 94293.27365552 -.00000026 00000-0 91245-5 0 7419 2 20480 99.0572 61.5721 0541232 56.2117 308.9325 12.83227627220171 AO-21 1 21087U 91006A 94292.36296368 .00000094 00000-0 82657-4 0 5309 2 21087 82.9357 50.8005 0036410 96.9673 263.5626 13.74545926186647 RS-12/13 1 21089U 91007A 94292.90359627 .00000048 00000-0 34480-4 0 7469 2 21089 82.9197 278.9539 0030567 119.7822 240.6385 13.74048095185779 ARSENE 1 22654U 93031B 94278.90721955 -.00000087 00000-0 00000 0 0 2913 2 22654 2.0802 94.2592 2911798 193.1780 157.9888 1.42203095 2778 UO-14 1 20437U 90005B 94293.20440151 .00000016 00000-0 23113-4 0 468 2 20437 98.5855 16.2512 0010711 180.6647 179.4521 14.29858832247458 AO-16 1 20439U 90005D 94293.18528199 .00000021 00000-0 25194-4 0 8449 2 20439 98.5946 17.6023 0011017 181.3296 178.7858 14.29912892247464 DO-17 1 20440U 90005E 94293.26734657 .00000033 00000-0 29791-4 0 8459 2 20440 98.5958 18.0510 0011167 180.4971 179.6201 14.30052923247498 WO-18 1 20441U 90005F 94293.24494939 .00000021 00000-0 25148-4 0 8486 2 20441 98.5952 18.0195 0011596 180.8388 179.2773 14.30026432247490 LO-19 1 20442U 90005G 94292.65493458 .00000027 00000-0 27335-4 0 8437 2 20442 98.5961 17.7262 0011969 182.0129 178.1015 14.30124407247424 UO-22 1 21575U 91050B 94293.19690594 .00000058 00000-0 34254-4 0 5503 2 21575 98.4248 5.0993 0006860 280.7084 79.3332 14.36936911171034 KO-23 1 22077U 92052B 94289.37574728 -.00000037 00000-0 10000-3 0 4429 2 22077 66.0823 26.2410 0015338 259.0870 100.8421 12.86288192102377 AO-27 1 22825U 93061C 94289.20447981 .00000014 00000-0 23638-4 0 3417 2 22825 98.6444 3.7385 0007848 213.4469 146.6210 14.27637415 54951 IO-26 1 22826U 93061D 94289.24670406 .00000018 00000-0 25236-4 0 3399 2 22826 98.6426 3.8334 0008393 215.0725 144.9903 14.27742390 54966 KO-25 1 22830U 93061H 94292.73316631 -.00000186 00000-0 -57533-4 0 3471 2 22830 98.5400 3.1976 0009059 172.1632 187.9714 14.28064069 55472 22828 1 22828U 93061F 94289.22924900 .00000034 00000-0 31473-4 0 3185 2 22828 98.6401 3.8389 0009607 199.1431 160.9387 14.28069592 23053 NOAA-9 1 15427U 84123A 94292.88370020 .00000093 00000-0 73702-4 0 9974 2 15427 99.0368 344.7413 0014153 226.0662 133.9343 14.13651631507874 NOAA-10 1 16969U 86073A 94292.93882383 .00000061 00000-0 44168-4 0 8987 2 16969 98.5100 298.1417 0013220 330.2394 29.8030 14.24909944420262 MET-2/17 1 18820U 88005A 94292.73838504 .00000033 00000-0 16185-4 0 4383 2 18820 82.5447 169.5198 0015757 186.9368 173.1573 13.84723805339593 MET-3/2 1 19336U 88064A 94293.21289585 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 3427 2 19336 82.5359 235.1966 0016829 316.3575 43.6213 13.16969429299711 NOAA-11 1 19531U 88089A 94292.90893343 .00000002 00000-0 25998-4 0 8142 2 19531 99.1837 284.9453 0012089 138.8878 221.3200 14.13020260312753 MET-2/18 1 19851U 89018A 94291.81358147 .00000054 00000-0 35104-4 0 3431 2 19851 82.5190 45.3496 0012849 238.8123 121.1778 13.84373737284796 MET-3/3 1 20305U 89086A 94293.33338987 .00000044 00000-0 10000-3 0 1772 2 20305 82.5518 183.4574 0007260 356.0882 4.0192 13.04426314239211 MET-2/19 1 20670U 90057A 94289.02064607 -.00000029 00000-0 -39668-4 0 8430 2 20670 82.5417 112.5063 0015863 163.0619 197.1069 13.84180243217334 FY-1/2 1 20788U 90081A 94292.99424304 .00000051 00000-0 62171-4 0 1421 2 20788 98.8205 309.0980 0015198 32.1908 328.0107 14.01324150211180 MET-2/20 1 20826U 90086A 94292.83869793 .00000051 00000-0 32316-4 0 8534 2 20826 82.5244 46.7963 0014865 59.8563 300.4067 13.83590629204990 MET-3/4 1 21232U 91030A 94292.88790442 .00000050 00000-0 10000-3 0 7516 2 21232 82.5360 81.4329 0011899 235.1113 124.8882 13.16465094167766 NOAA-12 1 21263U 91032A 94292.90974469 .00000110 00000-0 68448-4 0 2330 2 21263 98.6082 317.8860 0011906 234.1407 125.8665 14.22456927178236 MET-3/5 1 21655U 91056A 94293.19595151 .00000051 00000-0 10000-3 0 7496 2 21655 82.5551 28.4507 0012165 245.4973 114.4878 13.16834089152916 MET-2/21 1 22782U 93055A 94289.04172473 .00000026 00000-0 10791-4 0 3515 2 22782 82.5470 110.6784 0021042 247.9644 111.9280 13.83015942 56796 POSAT 1 22829U 93061G 94289.23698111 .00000011 00000-0 22241-4 0 3334 2 22829 98.6409 3.8648 0009849 198.3675 161.7154 14.28044231 54978 MIR 1 16609U 86017A 94293.24006359 .00000649 00000-0 15350-4 0 8187 2 16609 51.6470 280.5462 0002647 149.3494 210.7589 15.57467996495501 HUBBLE 1 20580U 90037B 94293.08815371 .00000605 00000-0 45070-4 0 5542 2 20580 28.4689 153.6225 0005888 312.9020 47.1069 14.90698739 48043 GRO 1 21225U 91027B 94291.56764273 .00002937 00000-0 62055-4 0 1575 2 21225 28.4599 95.3182 0003540 167.5778 192.4905 15.41421651 75992 UARS 1 21701U 91063B 94292.22798387 .00000207 00000-0 39100-4 0 6142 2 21701 56.9864 21.9855 0004500 95.1744 264.9806 14.96517350169507 /EX ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 15:46:38 GMT From: (Dale Piedfort) Subject: Power company QRN!! In Southern California a simple phone call to Southern Calif. Edison will usually result in the problem being taken care of in less than a week. That is unless you live in a City such as Anaheim which owns its own Utilities, and they wont recoginize they have a responsibility to keep the lines, insulators and transformers clean and not inhibit your listening pleasure... I have had occasion to confront them several times about the interference, when I got no results I contacted the PUC and informed them of the problem and then informed the City of Anaheim that I would be making my payments directly to the PUC until the matter was resolved, and that would be followed with a letter of complaint to the local FCC Field Office stating that they are causing interference to a duly licensed Amatuer Station and had taken no steps to correct the problem. It then took less than a week to get the offending street lights fixed and a transformer replaced.. On the other side of the coin we operate an HF station at work, and power is supplied by S. C. E. and when power line noise interferes, a simple phone call to them and a team is usually out in less than two days and the problem corrected in less than a week. I found this true in Washington State also.. So if you are not getting satisfaction from your local power company, send a letter to the PUC in your area, followed up by a letter to your local FCC field office. I think you will be suprised, the same approach works with the Phone companies here, a quick call and outline the problem and they will suppress right up to where the wires enter your house, dont give up and pretty soon you should be as noise free as they can make the lines. 73 ARS KB7UB ------------------------------ Date: 21 Oct 94 12:08:15 GMT From: klimas%uhavax.dnet@ipgate.hartford.EDU Subject: SCHEMATIC DRAWING SOFTWARE George Hawkins KI5X wrote: >Hello everybody! Does anyone know were I can obtain >a schematic drawing package? net lists aren't needed >just a nice looking schematic...any hints or BBS locations??? I recommend either of the following from my BBS: (runs up to 14400) CIRCAD20.EXE 186368 01-14-93 EASY TO USE SCHEMATIC DRAWING CAD. With -electronic devices & symbols library. -similar to Orcad in features. CIRCAD35.ZIP 423143 02-04-94 CIRCUIT CAD v3.5 SCHEMATIC CAPTURE and -PCB Layout CAD in a combined package. -Built-in Autorouter. Excellent! _\\///_ co-founder: (' O O ') North East Weak Signal group, ARRL affil. ---------------ooO-(_)-Ooo-------------------------------------------- | 73 de Ron WZ1V, email: | | Grid FN31mp BBS: 203-768-4758 (weeknights/weekends only) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 09:09:10 -0500 From: (Kenneth Kalan) Subject: Yaesu 5100 mods Hello: Does anyone have any mods for the Yaesu 5100 mobile. I am especially interested in CAP bands (both xmit and receive), but would be interested in all available. Thanks Ken -------------------------------------------------------- _-- Kenneth Kalan PP ASEL ===_ / | Northwestern University | ___/[__ ] \___/__ | Prosthetics Research Laboratory |\__ _|___|_____===/ Rehabilitation Engineering Program | \/ N9YIR o O ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 01:29:55 GMT From: (Jeffrey Herman) References<> , <> Reply-To: Subject: Re: WTB: Radar gun... (Gary Coffman) writes: > The FAA windshear measuring radar is also *not* laser. It's >UHF RF at 449.0 MHz (right in the amateur 70 cm band's repeater input >segment, not pretty). This seems to be an incredibly dangerous choice of a frequency. If a windshear is detected I believe a warning is automatically transmitted to nearby aircraft, correct? Is it possible for an HT to confuse the radar and trigger the system? Jeff NH6IL ------------------------------ End of Info-Hams Digest V94 #1140 ******************************